To some of you this might seem rather drastic, and over dramatic. But i truly do love that place, i feel like the largest, and most influential part of my life is gone and i don't really know what to do with the void. I guess i do start work at the AF pool soon, so hopefully that helps but The pg pool is the best. I know i say that i look forward to winter so i can ski, but i think that i would give up the snow, and i would give up the skiing if it could be summer all the time, and i could make a good living.
Here are some of my favorite memories of the pool this year:
-Kirsten, "joe, fix me"
-Kirsten, "joe, can you fix me again"
-Finger mustaches
-checkers (it's coming back)
-mandi creepin on dustin
-is the slide ever going to get fixed?
-swim lessons
-the fixing of every mechanical part of the pool.
-Where's a hammer?
-Sidney, asking if i think it's a good idea if she guards on pain meds because she skined her fingers
-Does a wild bear crap in the woods?
-having friends for the first time since the mish.
-"Joe!!! i see lightning!!"
-whistle, whistle
-wwwwhhhhhhiiiiisssstlllleee, splash
- mandi's almost seizure because she thought she was getting shadow dropped.
-king carter
-living at the pool
-finding the boozin pit.
-there are many more, i just can't think of them now.
i love you pg pool, i can't wait till next year (only 209 days)