Thursday, September 30, 2010

The 2nd worst day of my life, 2nd only to the day my mission came to an end

The title says it all, today is the worst. I am miserable inside. Why? you ask, well let me tell you. I got my soul back today, and quite frankly i don't want it, i want the pg pool to continue with it's control of my life. I had to turn in my keys upon leaving work today. I'm not an emotional person, but with the way i was feeling as i walked away i realized that if i was emotional i would probably have been bawling.

To some of you this might seem rather drastic, and over dramatic. But i truly do love that place, i feel like the largest, and most influential part of my life is gone and i don't really know what to do with the void. I guess i do start work at the AF pool soon, so hopefully that helps but The pg pool is the best. I know i say that i look forward to winter so i can ski, but i think that i would give up the snow, and i would give up the skiing if it could be summer all the time, and i could make a good living.

Here are some of my favorite memories of the pool this year:

-Kirsten, "joe, fix me"
-Kirsten, "joe, can you fix me again"
-Finger mustaches
-checkers (it's coming back)
-mandi creepin on dustin
-is the slide ever going to get fixed?
-swim lessons
-the fixing of every mechanical part of the pool.
-Where's a hammer?
-Sidney, asking if i think it's a good idea if she guards on pain meds because she skined her fingers
-Does a wild bear crap in the woods?
-having friends for the first time since the mish.
-"Joe!!! i see lightning!!"
-whistle, whistle
-wwwwhhhhhhiiiiisssstlllleee, splash
- mandi's almost seizure because she thought she was getting shadow dropped.
-king carter
-living at the pool
-finding the boozin pit.
-there are many more, i just can't think of them now.

i love you pg pool, i can't wait till next year (only 209 days)


  1. love it.
    and i did not have and almost seizure.

  2. ....did the slide ever get fixed?

  3. trevor is in my ward.
    i stepped out of sacrament to get a drink, and he followed me. he told me he wanted to tell secrets, and then ran down the hall and yelled, "meet me over here lifeguard!" and ran into the bathroom. next thing i know he is singing at the top of his lung in the mens room..

    trevor is a keeper for sure.
